What have you done to protect your bank branches?
"Having made the observation, there are about twenty years, having difficulty safely manage access keys, we have deployed all our locations (headquarters, branches and center Business), a system of centralized access control to headquarters. We chose the system proposed in 1992 by the company Synchronic, because they were already experts in control networks, the connections being handled by the IP network of the Bank. We have only to rent this choice because the supplier is still there and has continued over the years to upgrade its products. "
How do you manage your access?
"Each employee or authorized provider has an unmarked badge. The only indication is the code of the user pays, which can recognize the card. This is a dual technology knowing that older sites are equipped with readers to scroll and the most recent sites have proximity readers. The front-end to manage people and time periods associated with their permissions. It can give the opportunity to enter the enclosures secure techniques (ETS), to disable alarms and launch in conjunction with a keyboard, timers openings for access to these premises, as well as vaults, or allow opening chests, a non-simultaneous processes. Conversely, it is possible to recover all or part of security agencies under badgeant just after pressing a button with indicator light. "
Info.expoprotection.com - What about the video?
"We have equipped all our sites for analog cameras connected to a storage digital. Management of the video itself being managed in centralized mode from our services. The images also pass through the IP network of the bank on a separate channel. The stockers and the control software are brand STIM. We can thus remotely view live all cameras, retrieve and process the images stored in the case of alarms, incidents or requisitions. And, of course, under the law forbidding us to store more than a month.
Controllers to Synchronic, in addition to access control, allow us to manage the various detection systems installed to transmit the abnormality information to the PC or alarms, and sound, which can be selected on each micro . PC surveillance has access to images as well as our service and the best tools available to ensure its removal of doubt. These tools allow us to associate, in real time to validate or invalidate the badges, but we also allow teleprotection to turn on lights, open doors remotely manage the operation of our brands etc.. "
How do you protect your employees?
"In addition to the systems mentioned above, we limited the risks of our employees by opening 6 h 00 h 00 to 22 spaces, self-service, where customers can submit or withdraw funds in automata. This prevents employees to handle tickets. These free services are in-airlock at the entrance agencies, accessible through the card reader bank customers. The doors are interlocked. If the agency has a service body (mostly in the morning) in which case the host has loaded a crate timed to limit the surface area values.
Furthermore, all employees have a discreet remote control with which they can trigger an alarm to the PC, including a perimeter of about thirty meters around the agency. Accessing the first does not enter the agency if a red light, located above the badgeur is on, it is a "anticomité home." In this case, the employee called the PC to confirm or remove the doubt. If rebates or recognition of customers is ensured in the ETS by a collaborator, it has a system of lone worker protection and, on a screen cyclical images of different cameras of the agency. "
Info.expoprotection.com - Do you use biometrics to access the chests?
Jean-Marie Cazenabe - "The amount of funds available to us does not justify, economically speaking, a technology as sharp. The means described above seem sufficient. "
Info.expoprotection.com - And what about systems of staining banknotes integrated into ATMs?
Jean-Marie Cazenabe - "ATMs" off site "all have a system for staining the same way that many of those agencies, the area where we feel at risk and where the means of physical protection are insufficient. "
Info.expoprotection.com - Do you use alternative systems of transportation funds in unmarked cars?
"We prefer to use armored vehicles that carry both banknotes and coins. Most of our E.T.S. are available by direct access apposition of the van, or by double-entry boxes. Carriers also have remote controls that serve as badges when they enter the premises. "
What are the main challenges you face everyday?
"The main difficulty for the management of abnormalities that may be of technical (failure of some systems) but most often human, caused by wrong handling instructions or poorly respected by employees or the housekeeping staff. Fortunately, the violent attacks are rare, against the verbal or behavioral unfortunately growing. In this time of crisis, however, we remain very vigilant.