
Online trading, news and of course online trading

Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, has been selected as a finalist in the category "Best contribution to sector R & D for LTE" by the jury of the LTE World Summit. Organized by Informa Telecoms and Media and evaluated by an independent panel of network operators, this award focuses on the major contributions to the advancement of LTE.

This new recognition reaffirms Gemalto's commitment to innovation, with an investment of over 150 million euros in research and development in 2011, drawing on the expertise of 1,500 scientists digital systems that account the company worldwide.

Advanced Connectivity Solution Gemalto for LTE networks is based on its versatile platform LinqUsTM Advanced OTA and its UpTeq LTE subscriber module, integrated software for data retrieval from single secure Gemalto. This feature allows it to perform automatic updates data on the UICC, to guarantee a success rate of 100% of downloads and activation-sensitive applications, including M2M subscriptions, payment applications to NFC scale and login to video content streaming on LTE networks.

The efficiency of carrier-grade OTA platform Gemalto has already proven in the field through several commercial LTE deployments of high-level notammentavec Verizon Wireless and Metro PCS in the United States.

Pb with Inventel Livebox (Orange): = Aol box!

I need your help for a pb I for several days.

I have a Livebox Inventel (Orange).

I had no connection for a week. I called Orange customer service that made me do a lot of manipulations, including going to the page. and the problem is that this is not the home page of the Livebox but it appears that a AOLBOX.

I never subscribed to an offer of this operator and have never installed anything from home!

I went to menu "regedit" and deleted various files without success.

After 2:30 of manipulation with Orange, they made me do a restore which allows me to reconnect to the internet.

Page always displays Aolbox however.

Following the manipulations with Orange, my phone stopped working. I had to phone

Orange again who said that the pb comes from my computer and they can not do anything until I have not fixed that.

I made a good antivirus and I used Spybot Search and Distroy unsuccessfully.
This pb is it already happened to somebody?
What do you suggest I do??

In advance thank you to all who can help me ...

Unable to open the link

Everything is in the title. I click on my shortcut to the LB, the header is displayed (so the link is good) then nothing.

In addition a number of things déconnnent since installing the new firmware: more frequent reboots, the line being busy, etc..

Am I alone in this?

thank you

avt faitre of a factory reset, begins a reboot of the mini by pressing the button in the back.

Again and again and yet again if not always.

Reset as a last resort, last.


Facebook improves its security with the best antivirus

More precisely, the number 1 social network has chosen to add to their lists of these blacklists to block links publishers pox.

Specifically, the links are shared on Facebook screened a database that includes thousands of sites to better protect its syphilitic some 900 million members.

Alongside this announcement, and its agreements, Facebook launched Marketplace, which offers an AV to download trial versions of antivirus partner publishers.

In PS, the battle of "Valls" cons "Rebs" Indoor

No luck. Moving in Moselle, Francois Rebsamen, head of the security division in the team of Francois Hollande, could not attend the meeting between the applicant and representatives of PS police unions, Thursday, April 26. Claude Bartolone, President of the General Council of Seine-Saint-Denis, and Manuel Valls, they have not missed the call. The communications director of Francois Hollande was sitting right next to the candidate, who consulted regularly.

What was the communications director in a meeting with the police? "We must not see malice," says Mr. Valls. He swears, he led the meeting in all loyalty and "related Rebs" who prepared the event, while conceding: "I have some expertise in this area ..."

"Valls" cons "Rebs" although Mr. Bartolone has not abdicated, the struggle to don the uniform of the first cop of France, between those two, takes a turn more intense. Both men have long shared a safe fiber reinforced by their experience as a local.


Both are great connoisseurs of police networks. But not the same. Despite the involvement of all the moments alongside the candidate, Mr. Valls still occurred very recently, after the first round, union officers and senior members of the gendarmerie. He toured all organizations except Alliance, the second union of peacekeepers as being too tied to Nicolas Sarkozy. Former chief of staff of Pierre Joxe, M. Rebsamen, for its part remains close to Joaquin Masanet, former Secretary General of UNSA-Police, the former CEO of the National Police and Patrice Bergougnoux "Joxe networks" that now consider some less operative than in the past.

What annoys the highest degree the president of the PS group in the Senate. "It is very unpleasant to hear as well from someone who has left the image of a large interior minister who has modernized the national police. But between the alleged" Joxe networks "and" networks Bauer "I chose," he tackled in an interview at the agency specialized FEA Security, Thursday, April 19. A thinly veiled allusion to the proximity between Manuel Valls and criminologist Alain Bauer, the godfather of one of his children.

To prevail, the image and reputation count. The question of confidence, for this sensitive position, will also be decisive. Mr. Rebsamen is an old friend of Francois Hollande. But he had left to support Ségolène Royal, before returning to him. Mr. Valls, after playing the role of free electron for years, has become one of the key men of the presidential equipped.

"The campaign reveals," warned Francois Hollande. From this perspective, the mayor of Dijon has not necessarily scored points by proposing three days before the first round, to transform "the offense of cannabis in contravention". The measurement started from a good intention, that of reducing the number of procedures and ease the work of police officers. But was curtly rejected by the candidate.

Two agencies to regulate Tic

So far, based on the law of 14 July 1998 and the Decree on organization and functioning of the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency of September 8, 1998, Art was responsible for the enforcement of laws and regulations in the field of telecommunications.
She also played the role of arbiter on disputes in this sector. Since April 20, 2012, the agency will now perform the same work in the field of information technology and communication. The president signed a new decree on the organization and operation of the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency April 20, 2012.

Under this decree, the missions of Art are reinforced. Section 4 of the Decree provides that "the Agency provides on behalf of the State, regulation, control and monitor the activities of operators, network operators and providers of electronic communications services. It also ensures compliance with the principle of equal treatment of users in all enterprises of electronic communications. " By electronic communication, means any emission, transmission or reception of signs, signals, writings, images or sounds, electromagnetically.

Among its new missions, Art will ensure the implementation of laws and regulations regarding Telecommunications and ICT; ensure fair and healthy competition in the telecommunications sector and Tic; submit to the government, any proposals and recommendations designed to expand and modernize the telecommunications sector and Tic or to exercise any other public interest mission as assigned by the government in the area of ​​telecommunications and ICT.

To carry out its activities, the decree said it must work with the State Agency for Information Technology and Communication (Antic), under the regulation of activities related to network security electronic communications and information systems, in accordance with Article 7 of the Act on cybersecurity and cybercrime in Cameroon.

But on April 10, Paul Biya signed another decree on organization and functioning of the Antic. Under section 5 of this decree, the Antic, now under the tutelage of MINPOSTEL and Minfi instead of the Presidency of the Republic, is also responsible for "regulating information technology, communication and Internet ". Moreover, the Antic "ensures on behalf of the state regulation, control and monitoring activities related to security of information systems and electronic communications networks and the electronic certification, in collaboration with Art. "

Regarding the powers of each agency, to Art, it is mentioned in Article 5 that "the Agency has the powers of regulation, control, investigation, injunction, enforcement and sanctions ". Antic's side, it is noted that it "has the powers of surveillance, investigation, injunction, enforcement and sanctions."

The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, is explained as the development of ICT, and Antic Art must work together: "The Antic takes care of the advantage of internet access providers (Isp) and their license. Complexity in Art is that it was she who gives the license for telecommunications, mobile telephony, for example. But today on the terminal, there is the telephone and the Internet. That is why the two are forced to work together. There is no risk of conflict of jurisdiction. "

Worksite safety: GrDF and Waters of Normandy slaughter their cards ...

Not a day without aggression! This is what emerges from the statistics provided by Gas Distribution Network France (GrDF) and Waters of Normandy. Each business day, pipelines are damaged or gutted on the networks of two operators at intervention sites. For reaching the target Zero, an agreement between the two operators has been signed. Cooperation, training and common sense ...
Aggression! Is a strong word, but this term sums up the feelings of the two operators in damage to the works under their management. Attacks which are not the result of incivility but of irresponsibility professionals uninformed or unconcerned about the regulation. "Once a company has to do road work, it must ensure that there is no network in the vicinity of any manager whatsoever. Then, just before starting its work, it must send to each manager identified a DICT (Declaration of Intent to commencement of work). This is what the law says, but in fact this is not always respected. With, the key to all the risks that we know, "said Bruno Gasquy, director of the Gas Network Unit Normandy.

"The first argument used by these companies is the lack of time". A false debate, said Jean-Christophe Famel, deputy CEO of Waters of Normandy, in terms of lost time and the risks it poses to the property and people not respecting the regulations. "Especially since there are specialized websites for these applications ..." says Jean-Christophe Famel.

This is evoking these common issues that the two companies decided to think together about how to reduce drastically, these inconveniences are not without consequences for investment. Thus, each month, GrDF spends a whopping $ 1 million only for those aspects of prevention and safety facilities (10,726 km network in Normandy, 300 employees, 7,580 km of monitored by 2 vehicles "sniffers").

Heating network: installation of underground systems

The community of communes of the Val-ès-Dunes and society Viria signed a public service concession for the establishment of the first heating network. This delegation will result in the construction of a boiler with wood, which will heat Argences the future aquatic center, college, school and gymnasium.

The natural resources of farmers in the region will be utilized for this project. The introduction of underground systems was made during the school holidays for reasons of convenience and safety by the company Grajewski. The weather has not facilitated the work of field employees. "He even had to change the aggregate for backfilling the trenches, those already stored on site is too wet," said one of the machine operators. This part of the work is completed on time but "it took whip."

Students will join elementary school classroom on Monday safely.

The town has requested a study for the 70 private dwellings that could be connected to the network. Contacts have been taken to try to connect homes nearby. This became difficult for those who had fundable electric heating.

In terms of technique, this one megawatt boiler will consume 100 tons of wood a year. This will represent a financial saving of 10% for buildings Argences. Activity level, the structure will require 400 to 500 hours of maintenance and will create two full time jobs.

Security vulnerabilities are not saving Hotmail

Surreptitiously corrected two weeks after its discovery by Microsoft, a security hole Hotmail living ecosystem. She lived in a critical component: the recovery tool of email accounts.

The fireworks, which was based on a simple Firefox extension, allowed anyone to bypass some checks in place for unobstructed access to the reset page password associated with any address ... and let the victim as dry on the tile.

In the words of Benjamin Mejri Kunz, one of the discoverers of the pot to the roses, this vulnerability could compromise the privacy of thousands of users.

If the magnitude of the phenomenon remains unclear, preliminary findings indicate many insults in the Middle East. Some people have simply lost access to their accounts on social networks. The joke has even led to extortion on services like PayPal.

Once the news spread, the tutorials have flourished on the Web. Some improvised pirates took advantage and went up to offer their services at the request fee.

To engage in the exercise, they took was to install an add in their Firefox browser. In this case, the so-called Tamper Data, modifying HTTP requests in real time.

The subterfuge involved and to visit the page restore the password, intercept outgoing traffic and inserting values ​​set to bypass the system identification tokens employed by Microsoft as a protection.

Normally, if that value is empty, the session is automatically terminated. Insert the string "+ + +) -" allowed fool this routine.

Due to word-of-mouth more than the work of seasoned engineers, detection of the fault goes back to April 6. Microsoft has acknowledged that two weeks later, on 20 April, and immediately deployed a fix, warning users of a single message on his Twitter account.


Two Saudis kidnapped and tortured: the story of networks that feed, full of charm ...

The information is published by AFP, which is based on the official declaration of the Saudi ambassador, Ali al-Assiri, quoted by the official SPA news agency. But what fate was reserved for two cousins ​​actually al-Chaqaqiq? Between security sources, who participated in their release, and sources close to the two victims, versions overlap, to form the story of the abduction.

Last Monday, and Tawfik Abdullah arrived at the AIB. This is the first visit that perform these forties in Lebanon, where their relatives continue their university studies. Barely out, they are approached by one of the taxi drivers who usually camped outside the airport, looking haggard tourists. The driver offers them to renew them to an apartment in "a suburb of Beirut," according to the Saudi Embassy, ​​specifically Dawhat Aramoun (after Khalde), sources said the investigation. The driver would have persuaded the two forties to choose the apartment, instead of the hotel, offering them services charm of a courtesan, in the residence in question, according to sources from the survey.

The agreement is concluded and the two men find themselves in the apartment, where the driver leaves them in good company. Shortly thereafter, three individuals knocking on their door, posing as agents of the order. "They were dressed in official uniform of the local security forces," sources close to entrust the victims, without elaborating. The three "agents" are a pretext to enter the apartment, where they attack physically while the two tourists. They bound him with ropes and thick in the house hold. Then they make them understand, in an Iraqi accent, they will be freed in exchange for a ransom of 200,000 dollars. To enforce payment, the kidnappers use to conventional forms of torture they subjected and Tawfik Abdullah to the point of their break bones (electric shock, repeated attacks with sticks ...).

The two men, employees in an oil company in Saudi Arabia, "are not particularly wealthy," according to sources close to them. However they manage to "mobilize their families to ensure the amount claimed" by convincing the kidnappers that they can not get the money alone. Once contacted, the families of victims inform the Saudi Embassy in Lebanon the situation, which then in turn solicits the help of local security services. The branch information ISPs then coordinates with the Embassy, ​​to develop the action plan. The operation managed to cause one of the malefactors to an ATM at Bank Audi in Hamra, where he was to withdraw the amount claimed. He was immediately arrested by agents of ISPs who manage to trace the location and Tawfik Abdullah and to release them, eight days after their detention.

Finally, two of the four intruders (including the woman used as bait) were arrested yesterday and face a grilling. But they operate within a wider network, spread throughout several regions, according to security sources cited by nowLebanon. The two hostages, meanwhile, are hospitalized in Beirut since Tuesday. They initially received emergency care at the Medical Center of the American University (AUBMC), before being transferred yesterday to the Government Hospital Rafik Hariri, on the recommendation of the Department of Health. Abdallah suffered a small fracture in the ankle, while Tawfic suffered trauma to the back (in addition to fractures in the leg and knee). He expects to have surgery today. Relatives of two victims said that "the Saudi embassy and the State, who have provided the best support."

While Ambassador Ali al-Assiri did not identify the countries from which the kidnappers, the Interior Minister Marwan Charbel confirmed reports that they "are of Iraqi nationality." He believed, through the al-Mustaqbal, that "the main reason for this is robbery and kidnapping is not related to a desire to exert some pressure on Saudi Arabia." The real question prompted by this incident is less political than security. Internal stability seems threatened by a sense of impunity that may emerge regional crises, particularly in Syria.

This case removal of the Saudis said the issue of protection of tourists, especially Arabs, who regularly flock to Lebanon. The case of Abdallah Tawfic and can serve as an example, which encourages greater precautions. Moreover, the Saudi ambassador urged his compatriots traveling to Lebanon to exercise caution, avoid staying in private apartments and stay away from border areas during their stay. Diplomatic recommendation, which combines the interests of economic and political order.

If violent assaults are rare, verbal abuse or behavioral are growing

What have you done to protect your bank branches?

"Having made the observation, there are about twenty years, having difficulty safely manage access keys, we have deployed all our locations (headquarters, branches and center Business), a system of centralized access control to headquarters. We chose the system proposed in 1992 by the company Synchronic, because they were already experts in control networks, the connections being handled by the IP network of the Bank. We have only to rent this choice because the supplier is still there and has continued over the years to upgrade its products. "

How do you manage your access?

"Each employee or authorized provider has an unmarked badge. The only indication is the code of the user pays, which can recognize the card. This is a dual technology knowing that older sites are equipped with readers to scroll and the most recent sites have proximity readers. The front-end to manage people and time periods associated with their permissions. It can give the opportunity to enter the enclosures secure techniques (ETS), to disable alarms and launch in conjunction with a keyboard, timers openings for access to these premises, as well as vaults, or allow opening chests, a non-simultaneous processes. Conversely, it is possible to recover all or part of security agencies under badgeant just after pressing a button with indicator light. "

Info.expoprotection.com - What about the video?

"We have equipped all our sites for analog cameras connected to a storage digital. Management of the video itself being managed in centralized mode from our services. The images also pass through the IP network of the bank on a separate channel. The stockers and the control software are brand STIM. We can thus remotely view live all cameras, retrieve and process the images stored in the case of alarms, incidents or requisitions. And, of course, under the law forbidding us to store more than a month.

Controllers to Synchronic, in addition to access control, allow us to manage the various detection systems installed to transmit the abnormality information to the PC or alarms, and sound, which can be selected on each micro . PC surveillance has access to images as well as our service and the best tools available to ensure its removal of doubt. These tools allow us to associate, in real time to validate or invalidate the badges, but we also allow teleprotection to turn on lights, open doors remotely manage the operation of our brands etc.. "

How do you protect your employees?

"In addition to the systems mentioned above, we limited the risks of our employees by opening 6 h 00 h 00 to 22 spaces, self-service, where customers can submit or withdraw funds in automata. This prevents employees to handle tickets. These free services are in-airlock at the entrance agencies, accessible through the card reader bank customers. The doors are interlocked. If the agency has a service body (mostly in the morning) in which case the host has loaded a crate timed to limit the surface area values.

Furthermore, all employees have a discreet remote control with which they can trigger an alarm to the PC, including a perimeter of about thirty meters around the agency. Accessing the first does not enter the agency if a red light, located above the badgeur is on, it is a "anticomité home." In this case, the employee called the PC to confirm or remove the doubt. If rebates or recognition of customers is ensured in the ETS by a collaborator, it has a system of lone worker protection and, on a screen cyclical images of different cameras of the agency. "

Info.expoprotection.com - Do you use biometrics to access the chests?
Jean-Marie Cazenabe - "The amount of funds available to us does not justify, economically speaking, a technology as sharp. The means described above seem sufficient. "

Info.expoprotection.com - And what about systems of staining banknotes integrated into ATMs?
Jean-Marie Cazenabe - "ATMs" off site "all have a system for staining the same way that many of those agencies, the area where we feel at risk and where the means of physical protection are insufficient. "

Info.expoprotection.com - Do you use alternative systems of transportation funds in unmarked cars?

"We prefer to use armored vehicles that carry both banknotes and coins. Most of our E.T.S. are available by direct access apposition of the van, or by double-entry boxes. Carriers also have remote controls that serve as badges when they enter the premises. "

What are the main challenges you face everyday?

"The main difficulty for the management of abnormalities that may be of technical (failure of some systems) but most often human, caused by wrong handling instructions or poorly respected by employees or the housekeeping staff. Fortunately, the violent attacks are rare, against the verbal or behavioral unfortunately growing. In this time of crisis, however, we remain very vigilant.

Ensures BT unveils the results of its study on information security in business

BT announces new innovations in its line of security services and BT Ensures presents the results of a survey of over 2000 users and decision makers in 11 countries.

This survey shows that the risks to the company move too quickly to a purely reactive approach to security effective. The study, "Rethink the Risk" ("Rethinking Risk") BT also demonstrates that traditional secure the outer perimeter of enterprise networks no longer exists and that new specific tools are needed to measure, understand and cope with this new reality of security.

The study of cyber security threats, intentional or accidental loss of data by employees and the growing use of personal devices on corporate networks are the three main security risks identified by the computer makers. In particular, personal devices are increasingly present in the work environment (Bring Your Own Device, BYOD) where 60% of employees use for work. This utilization rate is very high in countries such as China and India (92% and 80%).

The study also shows that BT's 82% of companies already allow this practice, or will in the next 24 months. The adoption of BYOD led to new security challenges. Four out of ten companies experienced security breaches due to the use of unauthorized personal devices. For those companies that apply a BYOD policy, security is by far the most important issue (74%). It is interesting to note that the Board of Directors and management are the second group for the BYOD, just after IT professionals and power users.

To help security managers and CIOs to rethink the risk, BT has built a number of innovations in its line BT Assure.

Provides Secure Web provides a Web access policy uniform for all remote devices, they belong to people or the society. This solution includes a single centralized view updated instantly, according to a global reporting and control based on roles, thus avoiding the need to access each unit.

Provides real-time Analytics reveals potential threats and their implications for businesses to help them make the right decisions to adopt effective rules. This solution is based on system analysis and data visualization innovative BT. The system "learns" over its use and provides businesses with simple, integrated information they need, when they need it, from any relevant source.

Provides Internet offers greater granularity and an approach for more control in managing incidents and events (Security Incident and Event Management, SIEM). This solution allows for analysis and fully interactive and customizable reports, simplifying the response to incidents and lessons learned.

Mobility Lifecycle Management applies to devices belonging to employees or the company granular access rules, use according to the profile, a remote wipe and updates in the cloud. This solution provides a framework for many types of mobile devices.

Ensures eValuator allows customers and prospects to assess their readiness in terms of security and helps identify the most pressing concerns. This solution evaluates three critical elements of security: people, processes and technologies. EValuator data thus provide customers with a detailed view of their level of preparedness for each area, helping them prioritize their expenditures and activities related to security.

Facebook strengthens its security platform with new partnerships

900 million accounts on Facebook, it's almost as targets for viruses, trojans and other malware of all kinds that spread daily on the Web via URL compromised. Recent studies have highlighted that social networks were increasingly sought after by criminals to try to trick Internet users and in this context, Facebook had to do something well.

This is done with the announcement of new partnerships between the platform and several security specialists. If Sophos has in turn announced the alliance today, McAfee, Symantec, TrendMicro, and Microsoft have in turn benefited from a comprehensive statement from Facebook.

In practice, the social network has therefore now databases of malicious addresses of all such enterprises, which flesh out the automatic verification system in place on its platform for several months now. "This means that whenever you click a link on our site, you not only existing protections on Facebook, but also the vigilance of the leading companies in computer security" provides social network. Currently, it is estimated that less than 4% of shared content on its pages can be equated with spam.

This partnership also extends to the front page of Facebook Marketplace where you can download free versions of antivirus: a way as any to promote security software.

Security: one of the first priorities of Belgian organizations

Following several major security incidents, Belgian companies are increasingly aware that we should not joke with security. Meanwhile, people realize that there is not enough action taken today and that social networks seem to be a weak link in security policies. These are some of the findings from an investigation by the security specialist Bull during the InfoSecurity held in March in Brussels.

126 people in total participated in the survey. This was to ascertain the views of respondents on five scenarios inspired by reality. "We preferred to ask people what they thought about specific cases rather than the abstract question," says Adele Folletti, security practice manager at Bull Belux.

According to respondents, companies invest in resilience mainly due to some spectacular disasters that have already occurred and which had serious implications for security. 55 percent of respondents said that this is the main reason pushing companies to invest in resilience. A third think the main concern relates to the risk of financial loss and degradation of the reputation for breach of the activity. One in five mentions of corporate governance laws like Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel etc.. ... While 15 percent believe that companies review best practices of their competitors to develop their own resilience strategy.

Visitors InfoSecurity also believe that companies conduct a proactive security. Nearly six in ten respondents (59%) believe that companies proactively create business continuity plans, test and implement the appropriate technologies to support these plans. Forty percent say that companies behave in an essentially reactive: they may have some emergency procedures and risk management, but they have no guarantee plan for business continuity or recovery plan after a loss for these procedures.

Companies do very little confidence in cloud solutions for backup and storage. Only 44 percent of respondents say they would opt for the storage and backup in the cloud if they had operational responsibility for an IS department. Among those who rely on technology for cloud storage and backup, eight in ten (79%) would ensure that the system is regularly tested to make sure you can recover all data in case of emergency. Twenty-one percent would rely on contractual agreements with the service provider.

The survey conducted at InfoSecurity reveals that people believe in awareness campaigns to ensure safety. Faced with a scenario in which the company decides to distribute smartphones to all employees, sixty percent of respondents indicate that the security officer should launch an awareness campaign to educate smartphone users not to exchange information sensitive through such devices. Ten percent would simply trust the existing security framework; to thirty percent of respondents, the security officer should stop the deployment of smartphones, run an analysis and review the existing security framework.

Social networks seem to be one of the weakest links of security firms. According to respondents, one in five is likely to directly share on social networks of the secrets of his company on a technological example, while forty-three percent would share such information through private messages in the part of direct talks. The survey participants believe that only thirty-seven percent would not disclose such information confidential.

"This survey clearly shows that organizations conduct an active debate about their security strategy," concluded Adele Folletti. "The security constraints are increasing day by day, often for reasons of compliance with rules and laws. By helping organizations to implement security mechanisms that focus on operational, customers are no longer forced to choose between trust and productivity. With Bull, computer security is actively involved in promoting the development of business activity of a company. "


Online trading, news and of course online trading

Oberthur Technologies, one of the world's leading providers of security technologies, announces it has been chosen by BRD to provide payment cards innovative multi-application. This product is a dual interface card embedding the latest applications of payment networks Visa and MasterCard, and can be used for transport, control? Access, managing public keys or biometrics.

BRD, a subsidiary of Societe Generale Group and market leader in Romania, was already a pioneer of contactless payment in the country. By capitalizing on its leadership position, BRD had the will to bring even more value to its customers, through the contactless payment and associated technologies.

Thus, BRD has chosen Oberthur Technologies to launch the map "MultiPass Transport", in collaboration with RATB and Metrorex, transport operators in Bucharest. Cardholders can now easily upgrade their card MultiPass Transport before the validators on the bus, tram or subway. In addition, the MasterCard PayPass ® can also be used for payment or without contact.

In parallel, BRD launched the card "Supporter", a multi-application card, for football fans. The bank has signed agreements with various football clubs in Ligue 1 Romania. With the Smart OneCard Oberthur Technologies integrated website BRD, customers can customize the display of their card by choosing from a gallery or by uploading a personal photo. Then the card is used to enable physical access to the stadium gates, turnstiles equipped with contactless.

BRD also offers its customers the possibility of using alternative form factors for contactless payments such as stickers stuck on the back of their mobile phone or key ring.

GEUTEBRÜCK contributes to the safety of the gas distribution Gasunie

The distribution network of Gasunie includes nearly 15,000 kilometers of gas lines and hundreds of sites in the Netherlands and Germany. Security systems of all Dutch facilities are coordinated from a PC installed in Groningen. The platform GeViScope GEUTEBRÜCK has been integrated into the management system (SMS) used for this purpose through a new interface.

Extensive global central has been created in which an operating system based Apple communicates and interacts with the video system running Windows. Operating personnel can display without delay recordings and images in real time, verify or monitor alarms via the cameras, control cameras and access systems or export video clips.

BESSAN: With GRDF, a sniffer vehicle for the safety of all

A team of Gaz Réseau Distribution France (GRDF) was recently in town to present the surveillance vehicle (RSV) that winds through the department. At low speeds, it often raises questions about its usefulness.

This vehicle preventive monitoring of gas leaks is in itself a mini-lab with eight ultra-sensitive laser sensors placed at the front, a computer data and noting the technician analyzing the data instantly. The information collected is automatically logged by computer.

This is a demonstration of this advanced equipment What was recently invited, in front of City Hall, Mayor Robert Raluy and part of his municipal team. Those present, interested in the highest degree, did not fail to ask the manager, Regis Levadoux, obtaining clear and precise answers complemented by more practical technicians.

Thus, in case of suspected presence of gas, the technician performs a series of additional analyzes and, where appropriate, calls for a response team that moves in less than an hour to make appropriate repairs . As for the narrow streets where this device can not pass, technicians equipped with portable detection traveled on foot layout requirements. Thus the maximum security of natural gas networks is ensured.

Note the call number of GRDF available to all in case of problem on the gas distribution network: 0800 47 33 33 (available 24 hours 7 days 24 and 7).

An explosion risk to computer security

In 2011, an explosion of security issues and threats were found in all sectors and at all levels, from SMEs to the highest spheres of government. Within months, this discussion has invited specialists in the mainstream media, driven by business and community emblematic of hackers active and assertive, but also by a combination of novel risk factors.

According to Thierry Karsenti, CTO Europe at Check Point Software Technologies, three main sources of vulnerability can thus be identified within companies:

> The human factor: an individual makes a mistake or negligent (in trailing a USB stick containing sensitive data on his desk, forgetting files in a train or a taxi, etc..). It can also organize a deliberate leakage of information (through industrial espionage, the resale of sensitive information to competition, the media coverage of company secrets, etc..).

> The technology factor: fifty years ago, information theft was not as massive. Today, an extensive set of data may be distributed or recovered in minutes via the networks. The area of ​​vulnerability is particularly important that there is now a multitude of connected devices (smartphones, tablets, etc..), With different uses and runs on many operating systems. Moreover, the proliferation of applications increasingly mobile and dynamic, often downloaded or updated directly by the user, makes the security of these tools is difficult to control. Finally, the inadequacy or failure of information systems of the company may also be a source of risk.

> Timing: attacks for years 1990-2000 were intended primarily for technical achievements, most often used to immediate financial gain or to feed the ego of a hacker. Today they have evolved into much more targeted and also require more time. Thus, to avoid being spotted, intrusions are further apart. A new form of attack has also appeared under the name Advanced Persistent Threats to APT. This term is dissimulated behind the takeover of a sustainable remote machine by targeting an identified individual within the company. Once connected to his computer, the hacker gains access to the entire network. The attack becomes more sophisticated and the hacker will take the time to complete. Especially a security officer detect more easily a hundred intrusions spread over one year, rather than overnight.

The combination of these factors therefore results in less control of threats in the business and encourages new methods of attack more difficult to predict.

Neo Security insolvent

According to an AFP report, Neo Security, the second largest French security, would have declared insolvent with the Commercial Court of Paris Tuesday, April 24 to 17 hours, according to a spokesman for the group.

7 tips to overcome the challenges of social networks Taher Elgamal by, Security Consultant Axway

As social networks continue growing exponentially, companies face new challenges in computer security

Employees share information every day of their business via social networks and other digital channels, and it even encourages an exchange broadened with partners and customers.

Although this sharing of information often generates beneficial business interaction improving customer service and enhancing the brand value of a company, such exchanges can also be toxic when sensitive business information is shared without permission Company.

Companies are struggling to manage ongoing information sharing, regardless of where and how it is done. Also, here are some steps to consider to reduce risks and avoid sharing information with the bad parts.

1. Integrate directly with clients and partners
Social enterprises should strive to create connections that support data exchange speeds and accuracy, while maintaining secure communications with their customers and partners.

2. Have visibility into all business interactions
Preventing information leakage and maintaining control of the entry points of corporate data only prove possible if the teams have visibility from end to end on all data exchanges.

3. Encourage good connections
Companies should customize the rules and security policies through automated management rules and the establishment of a public key management - PKI if possible.

4. Connect directly to critical access points
Companies should allow their employees to share information by providing direct lines of communication and secure with the outside world.

5. Take compliance seriously
Social enterprises require integrated analysis tools to meet the requirements of regulatory authorities in their sector and other bodies.

6. Strengthen the culture
Educate employees and train them in methods of company preferred connectivity.

7. Adequately use technology to prevent data leakage
Technologies to prevent data leaks should be used as a "safety net" to track communications and provide compliance information. They should not be used to manage the ongoing relationship between the company and its partners.
Companies adopting these measures will protect against potential dangers of social networks, will benefit fully from their valuable assets and satisfy the work preferences of staff connected.


Renault takes a decisive step for its implementation in China

Renault has taken a decisive step for its implementation in China, since 2009 became the first global car market with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Dongfeng group which will produce locally.

The announcement was made Monday by the director of Renault in China, Katsumi Nakamura, at the Beijing auto show. "They signed a memorandum of agreement," he advised.

Renault and Dongfeng now discuss the details of the future implementation of the French and the type of vehicles that may be made, according to Nakamura.

Renault is one of the few major western manufacturers not to produce in China for now. He has indeed left for years the Chinese market with its Japanese partner Nissan, under a division of geographical areas between the two automakers.

Last year, he has passed that 24,000 Koleos 4x4 imported, via 80 outlets, a drop in the 14.5 million passenger cars sold in the country.

Renault to launch at the Beijing Motor Show the premium sedan Talisman, including the name of a concept car introduced a few years ago. This is actually a car manufactured at its South Korean partner Samsung and is rebadgée.

Talisman, made in Korea by Renault Samsung Motors, will be exported to China from mid-June 2012.

"The launch of the flagship model of Renault in China, Talisman, stresses the importance that Renault attaches to the Chinese market and our confidence in the growth in this market," said Group CEO, Carlos Ghosn, President, said in a statement .

Despite the volumes "modest" realizes that the Chinese market, Renault said that its sales will accelerate in the coming years with the network expansion and preparations for a long term project.

"The launch of Talisman will contribute to the acceleration of Renault in China, where the distribution network will increase from 80 claims in 2011 to 170 in 2014," the group said.

He plans to settle in China with a local production between 2014 and 2016, he said, recalling that foreign manufacturers must produce locally to gain a foothold in the country.

The choice was logical partnership with Dongfeng. The Chinese automaker is working with Nissan since 2003 in a joint venture. They have three factories in Guangzhou (Canton), Zhengzhou and Xiangyang. China has also become the largest market for Nissan with a million vehicles produced and sold so many.

The Japanese automaker introduced last summer a huge investment plan of 5.4 billion euros over five years with Dongfeng. The two companies plan to launch 30 new models and wear their sales of 1.3 million units in 2010 to more than 2.3 million vehicles in 2015.

Dongfeng also works with other foreign groups, including French PSA Peugeot Citroen and Japan's Honda through joint ventures.

On the type of vehicles produced with Dongfeng, it is certain that Renault will make electric vehicles, as already stated its CEO Carlos Ghosn, he said. Carlos Ghosn said that Renault should assemble electric vehicles in response to a request from the Chinese government in this direction. He also felt necessary to offer high-end models in the dealer network.

He did not rule out that Renault is implanted in the central city of Wuhan, as mentioned by the Chinese press. The government "does not add capacity (production note) on the coast" which is already focusing the bulk of the automotive business, said the new director of Renault in China.

"Wuhan is not a coastal city, so why not? But no decision has been taken yet," he added.

By Laurent Boutet, CISSP, expert pre-sales of Stonesoft

Advanced Evasion Techniques (AET) is a new challenge to network security systems. Unlike known workarounds, combine and modify the AET methods to disguise an attack or malicious code. Thus they infiltrate a network without being detected by security systems in place. The particular risk associated with AET is the almost unlimited combination of options that can be done. Current estimates reach 2,250 variants of AET, which will be used for hackers to disguise an attack. Current protection mechanisms (intrusion prevention system or firewall) do not support these techniques. There is no complete protection against AET, however it is possible to secure networks using methods of prevention.

To work around a protected cyber hackers disguise or alter the malware and run them, unnoticed, to networks. In the case of simple workarounds and AET, TCP / IP used on the Internet and a majority of computer networks, plays a central role. He again uses the standard IP and RFC 791 defines a receiving mode open mode while sending remains conventional. In general only data packets can be sent without error, and the system accepts all incoming data packets that can be interpreted in the chain end. Of incoming data packets can have different formats, but they are always interpreted in the same way. This open approach, based on the notion that the interaction between different systems should be as reliable as possible, opening the door to attacks and / or techniques deployed to disguise them.

The different operating systems and applications do not behave the same way by receiving data packets, and it may happen that IPS does not detect the original context of the package and therefore interprets the data stream differently the target host. This is called case of "out of sync status." This is the starting point for bypass techniques, which use this context to create the data packets that appear normal and secure. These packages are identified as attacks when they are interpreted by the final system, that is to say, when the malicious code is installed in the network.

Sites of the week in Besançon from April 23 to 29

CHU: road development works - access lanes and modified at the University Hospital - Follow the signs.

 Ambroise Pare Street / Route Franois: work networks, spatial intersection of R & D work platform 11 and the Tramway. Alternating traffic lights.

 Boulevard Fleming / Belin Street: Construction of the platform of the tram - Various measures traffic, corruption of traffic, and traffic or prohibited according to the phases of construction - follow diversions.

 Rue du Luxembourg / Ile de France Avenue: Construction of the platform of the tram - Road closed on rue du Luxembourg and Avenue de France to rue d'Artois. The flow direction is maintained between rue d'Artois Street and Piedmont in this direction. Getting impasse Avenue de France in the shopping center along the impasse and implementation of the street in Cologne at the mouth of the avenue de France - Ginko Info: lines 1, 3, 5, 10.27 , A, D and Diabolos and a deflected 10 - Follow the deviations.

 RN on 57 flyover roundabout Micropolis: Construction of the book - Neutralization of the left lane and tilting movement - Anticipated completion in 10 weeks.

 Avenue François Mitterrand: Construction of the platform of the tram - Road closed to all vehicles from 7 am 00-9 00 pm Monday through Friday except buses, cycles and emergency services in the direction city entrance.

 - Road closed on Boulevard Mitterrand in part between the roundabout and the roundabout Brulard Montoille in the outbound direction of town - Ginko Info: line 5 deviated - Follow the deviation.

 Coligny Bridge / Boulevard Charles de Gaulle: Deconstructing the bridge Coligny - Neutralization of lanes, traffic prohibited - Ginko Info: lines 3, 5, 10.24, A deflected - Follow deviations.

 Street Polygon: Deconstruction of Coligny Bridge - Road closed its portion situated betweenthe Street and Servetus Street from Grette - Follow diversions - Anticipated completion in 10 days.


Polytechnique Montreal offers a new certificate in cyber security of computer networks

Intrusion, hacking, viruses, Trojan horses ... more and more threats on computer networks today. Identify, prevent these hazards, provide knowledge and develop skills to handle these events are the objectives of the certificate in cyber computer networks that the Centre for Continuing Education will offer Polytechnique Montreal from the fall of 2012.

This new program is aimed at stakeholders in the private and public anxious to preserve network security of their organization.

Practical training, rooted in the News
"The courses, which will combine theory and practice, will be taught by professionals in computer confronted daily with issues of cybersecurity," said Gervais Ouellet, coordinator of the certificate.

Another advantage of the program: the proactivity of the educational team that will adapt the course content to events. "If, during the training period, a new form of attack against networks appeared, it will be analyzed and inserted into the program," said Ouellet.

Courses will be offered online, which will serve clients located outside of Montreal.

Bachelor cumulatively
The Certificate in Cyber ​​computer networks fits logically following the cyberenquête certificate and the certificate in cyber fraud, both exclusive to the Continuing Education Centre of Polytechnic.

Students who successfully complete the three certificates will earn a bachelor cumulatively. "Graduates of this field are assured of good job prospects, says Mr. Gervais. Computer crimes have become a scourge. Businesses and organizations are very specialized in asylum numerical investigation. "

We can now file an application for admission to the new Certificate in Cyber ​​computer networks. Classes begin in September.

Free Mobile offers its customers the rocker 3G/Wi-Fi Community

While Free strengthened the capacity of its network to end the problems of voice calls at peak times, it announces today a technological innovation that should attract more than one.

The operator in turn launches 'Free Secure WiFi' or automatic connection and seamless to the Wi-Fi Community ADSL customers. Explanations. Free Mobile subscriber can connect automatically and without manipulation of open Wi-Fi DSL box operator present throughout (4 million hotspots).

"Mobile subscribers in Package Free and Secure FreeWiFi connected to receive unlimited access to the Internet without that reduce consumption data does not come fair use of 3GB addition, this service greatly improves indoor coverage data in particular areas dense, "the company said in a statement.

SFR claimed authorship of service

For the mobile user, you are guaranteed to never lose a true mobile broadband when not covered by 3G, for example, or when it wishes to limit its 3G data usage. Once a Free Wi-Fi network is detected, the smartphone connects to it.

The technology also helps relieve the mobile network for data traffic, while Free Mobile currently widely used in the roaming network partner Orange.

This service relies on the authentication protocol EAP-SIM. It is fully secure: each subscriber will automatically connect to WiFi network with an IP address community dedicated to him. The network connection does not require community input identifier, authentication is doing with the SIM card.

Obviously, the throughput of the ADSL subscriber has priority and is never impacted by the use of a third party.

Free stresses the first to commercially launch this service, including "through control of its 3G network to all IP and its technological edge." Recall however that SFR experiments exactly the same thing in the Southeast for several months and announced a national launch in June.

This service called Auto-Connect Wi-Fi is also based on the box and ADSL customers like Free, SFR claims 4 million box including Wi-Fi has been opened.

"We are the first to have worked upstream for a year, on this technology and have established a set of specifications with manufacturers of mobile" explains a spokesman for SFR. The operator does not hide his irritation also as to the authorship of this service claimed by Free ...

One thing is certain, Free returns to the field of innovation, land that competitors intend to reserve for themselves apart from the new entrant. If Orange and SFR have yet to advance, with 3G + to 42 Mb / s or 4G for 2013, Free Mobile does not intend to fall behind.

Still some issues ... Side of service quality, it is questionable how 'Free Secure WiFi' manage roaming. The rocker will she automatically when the customer goes through the 3G network of Orange (which is where most of the time) and not by the network of Free Mobile?

In addition, this service will he compatible with all OS and all mobile devices? To our knowledge, only five iOS (iPhone) and Blackberry OS 7 for now natively support the EAP-SIM ...

Arbor Networks launches new version of its platform Peakflow SP ®, the leading global solution for visibility and security infrastructure

Arbor Networks, a leading provider of security solutions and network management companies and operators, announces the availability of version 5.7 of Peakflow SP, the platform market leader in security infrastructure and monitoring traffic across the network.

A recent study by Infonetics Research, on the prospects of the market for appliances to prevent DDoS attacks (DDoS Prevention Appliance Market Outlook), cites Arbor Networks as "the leader in DDoS prevention" on the whole market with a from 75.4% in the segments Transport operators and fixed broadband, against 8.8% for its nearest competitor. "Arbor has quietly taken control of the appliance market DDoS prevention over the past decade but, with the massive increase in volume, scale and visibility of DDoS attacks, the company has established itself as a key partner in the field of security for major operators around the world, "said Jeff Wilson, senior security analyst for Infonetics Research.

The vast majority of operators worldwide leading trusted platform Arbor Peakflow SP proactively fight against threats such as botnets and DDoS attacks volumetric and application, and to enhance the availability and quality of their services. The platform Arbor Peakflow SP has two main components, Peakflow SP and Threat Management System (TMS, Threat Management System). Peakflow SP combines anomaly detection and traffic engineering across the network threat management class operator which automatically locates and removes a targeted malicious traffic while maintaining legitimate business continuity. With the ability to target only the attack traffic, the services in contact with consumers remain available while operators actively neutralize attacks.

One new feature is the flow ATLAS Intelligence Feed (AIF), which provides automatic protection against almost all known botnets, and a service update in real time which protects users from botnets as new and when they appear, a feature that does not offer any other product or industry player. In February, Arbor has announced that the Japanese group KDDI is an international fixed and mobile telecommunications, has incorporated features AIF managed security offerings. In addition, Peakflow SP now provides an optimized set of tools for detecting and cons-measures that protect critical servers against application attacks caused by malformed traffic and abuse of signaling and SSL handshake, broadcast storms and IPv6 attack vectors.

Threat prevention in a company

Threats and risks to information security have never been stronger. Improved technology, sophistication of attacks, continued opening the networks, automation of social engineering, new media more difficult to control ... These factors partly explain this phenomenon. Check Point Software Technologies wanted to open the debate on the evolution of these threats and how to protect themselves. Alongside Olivier Hassid, who heads the Directors Club of Enterprise Security (SCES), Thierry Karsenti and Philip Rondel, respectively CTO and Technical Director Europe France Check Point Software Technologies, and have contributed their expertise in a Roundtable, held on April 6. After a constructive exchange between the participants, on "Threat Prevention in business", the point has been done on this topic more relevant than ever.

An explosion risk to computer security

In 2011, an explosion of security issues and threats were found in all sectors and at all levels, from SMEs to the highest spheres of government. Within months, this discussion has invited specialists in the mainstream media, driven by business and community emblematic of hackers active and assertive, but also by a combination of novel risk factors.

According to Thierry Karsenti, Technical Director Europe at Check Point Software Technologies, three main sources of vulnerability can thus be identified within companies:
- The human factor: an individual makes a mistake or negligent (in trailing a USB stick containing sensitive data on his desk, forgetting files in a train or a taxi, etc..). It can also organize a deliberate leakage of information (through industrial espionage, the resale of sensitive information to competition, the media coverage of company secrets, etc..).

- The technology factor: 50 years ago, information theft was not as massive. Today, an extensive set of data may be distributed or recovered in minutes via the networks. The area of ​​vulnerability is particularly important that there is now a multitude of connected devices (smartphones, tablets, etc..), With different uses and runs on many operating systems. Moreover, the proliferation of applications increasingly mobile and dynamic, often downloaded or updated directly by the user, makes the security of these tools is difficult to control. Finally, the inadequacy or failure of information systems of the company may also be a source of risk.

- Timing: the attacks of year 1990/2000 were intended primarily for technical achievements, most often used to immediate financial gain or to feed the ego of a hacker. Today, they evolved, becoming much more targeted and also require more time. Thus, to avoid being spotted, intrusions are further apart. A new form of attack has also appeared under the name Advanced Persistent Threats to APT. This term is dissimulated behind the takeover of a sustainable remote machine by targeting an identified individual within the company. Once connected to his computer, the hacker gains access to the entire network. The attack becomes more sophisticated and the hacker will take the time to complete. Especially a security officer detect more easily a hundred intrusions spread over one year, rather than overnight.

The combination of these factors therefore results in less control of threats in the business and encourages new methods of attack more difficult to predict.

Intermat: mapping of buried, new construction of detectors

1 July 2012 will be a key date for urban contractors. It's that day qu'entrera into force a comprehensive regulatory reform to improve the safety of working near underground networks: building owners and businesses will have an obligation to consult the "Single Window" for contact information for operators on the area they plan to carry out their work. Operators, they have until 1 July 2013 to make the recording of settlement areas of their networks, from 2019, will be georeferenced.
Large mapping work in perspective. Who will do? "There is an urgent need for specialized service providers," says Hubert Brérot, president of the National Federation of Business detection of buried. No doubt young companies will embark on this path. But what hardware they will have?

Acoustic, radio waves or geo-radar

A June 2008 study commissioned by the FNTP are three main methods of detection: acoustic, radio and the geo-radar. Adapted to rigid networks, acoustic methods include vibrating the pipes are broadcasting a sound wave. Its location is then marked by "listening" to the ground. Advantage of the method: it can detect non-metallic networks. Disadvantage: it requires physical access to the pipes to place the speaker and it does not detect networks flexible electric cables for example.

For them, it is better to prefer detection by radio waves. Power cables emit, so they are easily spotted. Cables off or metal pipes act as antennas: even underground, they capture radio waves surrounding and change. It is these variations that the detector sees.

To be more precise the sensor can be coupled to a transmitter. The latter, lying on the ground or directly connected to the pipe, emits at a particular frequency, which simplifies the search and can measure more accurately the depth of a buried utility.

Detect non-metallic networks

The radar is well suited to deep, at least up to 3.50 m. Precision altimetry is plus or minus 5 cm regardless of the medium. However, this technique does not detect non-metallic networks, unless they can introduce a glass fiber probe covered with a wire: it is he who will be identified by the detector. But this requires physical access to the pipeline and that it can receive the probe, which is not the case with a sheath of optical fibers for example. The geo-radar, it allows a priori to detect all types of networks.

Its principle is based on the fact that the speed of propagation of a wave depends on the nature of the material passed through. A wave is emitted, we measure the time of return of its echo. The various obstacles she encounters appear on a screen, but in a little explicit. Only specialists are able to use such devices. It does not meet the needs of men site, which for ease of use and understanding prevail over technical performance. Small equipment suitable, simple and solid, exist.

The Ezidig example: this detector via radio waves clings to the pendulum of a mini excavator and sounds at the approach of danger (manufactured by Scanlaser, this device is also marketed under the colors of JCB). Digicat or the Leica, a portable column gives an estimate of the location and depth of a wire or a metal pipe. Still, it is not easy to identify, let alone to map networks entangled with these small sensors, which are mainly used to verify information already given. But regulation does not ask for more construction companies.

FreeGo: Pilot your Freebox Revolution with your iPhone / iPad ...

FreeGo (2.99 €) is the Swiss Army knife of all freenautes. Subscribers to the Service Provider Free Internet now have their own iPhone app subscriber account management.

This application can easily consult his bills, listen to their voice messages on his answering this Freebox, to set notifications of his answering machine, consult the technical information relating to its DSL line, configure the WiFi network and its Freebox router.

In addition to all these features, the application allows users of the Freebox HD box scheduling and recording favorite TV remote.

Section 3 offers TV main features:

- The immediate registration of a push that will launch a program registration underway

- Time-shifting that will record the current channel for 2:30

- The programming that allows you to record programs of your choice to the desired date.

Finally, a program guide allows you to browse the list of emissions from a chain and a touch timer recording.

To configure the software, is simple, enter a title for your line, such as home or office, the identifier, which is usually your landline number or your number and then your password Freebox provided by Free.


Pilot your Freebox Revolution with your iPhone

To control the Freebox Revolution and its services, the App Store offers applications that replaces the remote control by iPhone or iPad.

Freebox Connect, the official application, compatible with iPhone and iPad, is free, pretty, but relatively unstable and limited. While waiting for an update, we will complete it by applications like Freego (2.99 euros) to manage TV recordings remotely or FreeboxDL (0.79 euro) for download.

To use them, you should bring your access codes Free (whose ID is usually your phone number) and get the code associated with the remote (or remote option if you have multi-user) Player of the Freebox in the Settings menu and remote control.

You will need the password for FTP access, activate the tab Nas and FTP management interface of the box. To access, enter mafreebox.free.fr in the address bar of your browser.

Little hands are busy for candidates

At first everything seems calm. Only many cars parked in the courtyard of the logistics company Duhamel suggest activity that reigns on the site. Past the door which gives access to the hangar, it's the excitement. In a continuous buzz, nearly a hundred people are working around tables arranged in rows.

Here, in the municipality of Val-de-Reuil (Eure), has instead of 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. the enveloping of presidential propaganda intended to 712,710 voters in the Val d'Oise. A long process, exclusively manual, which does not leave a minute's break for small hands hired for the occasion. Under the watchful eye of two officers of the prefecture of the Val d'Oise dispatched to control the operation, hundreds of thousands of professions of faith and ballots are mixed, sorted and placed in envelopes.

Between tables, line managers around, take a responsible look at each team and motivate the troops when a loss of power is felt. "We still have to keep up, says David Drouet, a leader line used by the router. Stand and repeat the same mechanical gestures for seven hours, it's exhausting. At the end of the day, my ears buzzing, "he slips a smile before returning to the table, obviously in a hurry. On the other side of the shed, not far from the nest that active employees take delivery of the Post Office and store brown envelopes on pallets.

"Everything should be finished tomorrow (note: before yesterday) and dispatched to the sorting center of Saint-Ouen-Alms, says Yves Colin, management representative of the Post of Val d'Oise. We will then have until the eve of the election to distribute all of the propaganda to voters. "Yves Colin is familiar with the site. For several years he was in charge of reception and delivery of electoral materials to the Val d'Oise. "Every election, we find the same people. It's nice and easier to coordinate. "This year, the private router has recruited more than 150 temporary staff in two teams in the morning and evening. There is no time to lose.

"We have a problem, suddenly exclaimed a head line came to join the two agents of the prefecture. A team made a mistake in the order of documents. "The verdict: dozens of letters to be redone. Minutes later, the incident is forgotten. "It was not much, we quickly managed to right the wrongs, welcomes an agent of the prefecture. But be careful that the order of documents determined by the national lottery is respected. "It's Saturday afternoon at the latest, the voters of Val d'Oise discover in their mailboxes professions of faith of the candidates in the presidential election.

IO Data: a perfect router for Sony

With his design out of a sci-fi and with his air of an air purifier, IO Data unveils a new product approved by Sony. This is nothing other than a wireless LAN router but with some features pre-installed in her womb.

Indeed, it takes into account directly and easily PSVita, PS3, PSP, VAIO Notebooks, tablets and Tablet Sony Xperia smartphones. But that's not all, since we can make various interactions between the black monolith, the successor of Torne: Nasne (see article on PS3Gen: ICI), and the PlayStation Vita. Via the IO Data, we have the ability to transfer recorded video or watch TV via a PlayStation 3.

Specific level, this is what this little monster is in the belly:

IEEE 802.11b/g/n
WEP128/64bit security, WPA-PSK (TKIP / AES) and WPA2-PSK (AES)
An Internet port
Three LAN ports
A USB port
Size 132 × 57 × 200mm
weight 270g
It will be available along the Nasne, namely July 19, 2012 for a price of 7770 yen (72 euros).


The new generation of firewall policies and new definitions

We have entered the era of applications, although they bring a lot of productivity gains in most companies, also entail risks. In addition to the increased use of applications, a more mobile workforce and more sophisticated threats are changing the way the walkways must be secured.

This is where the new generation of firewall (NGFWs) comes in. However, while you NGFWs provide greater granularity of control, they can, also, in turn, increase the complexity of your policies and require planning and additional considerations.

The advent of firewall next generation

The traditional firewall, which block the source IP, destination IP and ports were positioned on the runways since their inception. Although they continue to play an important role in the security of your network, attackers target and uses the application layer in order to get them. The new generation of firewall filtering goes beyond the ports 80 or 443 and allows you more control by giving you the opportunity to perform filtering depending on the type of application and user identity . With this greater granularity, you can specify that certain groups of users can do with a particular application, thereby achieving better security and therefore a competitive advantage (eg, the marketing team must be able to post to Facebook, but not a developer).

Considerations for firewall policies

Greater granularity of control brings more complexity. Over your network policies are complex, the greater the possibility of having improperly configured firewall. And according to Gartner, 95% of firewall breaches are caused by configuration errors - and not by defects in these Firewalls. If you set policies at the application level, you must understand each application, its added value for different users and potential risks associated with it.

The policy decisions of firewall are no longer completely black or completely white. As sets of rules and numbers of features increase, the complexity also increases. Here are some questions you should ask yourself (and that need you to bring the answers!) Before operating policies by application type and by type of user identities that enable the firewall next generation:

• How many change requests per week should you expect to have to deal with?

• Your existing team can it absorb the additional load without degradation of the turnaround?

• Will you need additional staff?

• What is the impact if you set the policy by rules such as "block social networks, file sharing and streaming video, and allow all web traffic remaining"?

Your IT needs to understand what applications are needed for which users and shall provide access - without slowing productivity and without opening security holes that could cause data loss or malware intrusion.

Here are some recommendations to keep in mind when deploying policies firewall new generation finer granularity:

• Run your NGFWs in a "learning mode" so that you can see why the applications are used in your environment and by whom. This can, for starters, you provide information essential to define more granular policies.

• Simplify and automate the management of your firewall policy next generation in tandem with your traditional policies. While NGFWs provide more details and more control, you want to make sure that you can add, update, modify, delete policies throughout your domain protected by the firewall in a standardized way to ensure productivity and operational efficiency.

• Run queries at risk against specific applications, as another security check, and third in the risk Multiply your databases to obtain accurate information.

The new generation of firewall provides, without doubt, additional benefits compared to traditional firewalls. But to really take advantage of these benefits without adding complexity and therefore risk elements, you must, in advance, develop a plan for implementation and a process allowing you to manage these policies over time and in the part of your network environment at large says Marc-Henri Guy, Regional Director of AlgoSec.

New obligations on operators of electronic communication

A decree published on 13 April (No. 2012-488) completes the transposition into French law of the regulatory reform of communications networks and electronic services, commonly known as "Telecoms Package" (Directives 2009/136/EC and 2009 / 140/CE the European Parliament and Council of 25 November 2009). It creates new obligations on telecom operators in order to ensure better network security.

Operators will need to develop a policy to protect "internal" data collected, particularly those that are personal, and notify the governmental authorities cases of security breaches or loss of integrity with a significant impact on the operation of networks. They will then apply the requirements of the national defense information systems to prevent and limit the impact of cyber attacks on information systems whose unavailability would be likely to endanger the security of the nation.

Bonds alert and information in disasters

They now have the burden of providing location information for emergency calls to emergency services and also to transmit the alert messages and information to public authorities to warn the public of imminent threats and mitigate the effects of major disasters. The implementing rules will be defined by decree.

The deadline for implementation of number portability is significantly reduced since it is set at one day (difference in number of days between the confirmation of the eligibility of the request for number portability by the donor operator and porting actual number, Article 19) subject to the availability of access. In case of non-compliance, contracts for electronic communications services shall provide for compensation when the provision of number portability has not been made as provided by regulation.

Accordance with the guidelines of the new European framework to improve the consistency of regulatory practices, the European Commission and the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications are consulted by the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts (ARCEP) on measures it envisages taking in respect of operators having significant influence on a relevant market of the electronic communications sector.

Consumers and businesses: 9 ways to protect user identities

The social networking sites gaining in popularity, the risk of his identity stolen is higher than ever, said Dr. Taher Elgamal, Axway Security Consultant. These are the main consumers and businesses can take to protect their identity and their users on social networking sites and others.

We recommend that consumers:

1. Create unique passwords and complex. It is recommended that you create passwords composed of sets of numbers, letters and symbols of any kind and never use the same password on multiple sites.

2. Using a mobile application vault passwords for easy Recommendation 1. A mobile application safe password allows you to automatically generate unique passwords to twenty or thirty characters, consisting of sets of numbers, letters and symbols impossible to remember. It is possible to secure the safe using a PIN to mobile phone, instantly creating two levels of protection.

3. Change your passwords frequently. Even if your password is well thought disclosed in any way (on a phishing social networking site, for example), it ensures that nobody can use it for long.

4. Check often accounts. Log on regularly to all your social networking sites and make sure no sending e-mail, update status, or other activity unexpectedly appears.

5. Use of identity management. Services according to your identity, such as Reputation.com and LifeLock.com, you can contact in case of identity theft. This step is essential to minimize potential impacts.

6. Never click on links in emails or messages. If you click on this link, never enter your username and password once on the site, although it seems a familiar social networking site.

We recommend companies to:

1. Offer their users a form of double authentication or two-factor authentication. Companies offering to send an SMS to the mobile phone of a user part of the login process, greatly enhance user safety.

2. Protect the identifiers of their employees. When they connect to a VPN, employees often use passwords from their favorite social networks. If a hacker intercepted and associates the employee to the employer, it can access the entire corporate network.

3. Promote a single connectivity solution for Single Sign On. Many SSO solutions can store passwords in encrypted form and automatically discourage employees from using their password on the business social networking sites and others. Take advantage of these solutions.

Identity theft is a reality of our modern society. However, if consumers and businesses follow the recommendations above, users can enjoy the benefits of social networks without jeopardizing their digital identity.

How to improve the security of embedded systems in five steps?

Appeared in 2010, the Stuxnet worm was the first malicious program designed specifically to infiltrate within an industrial infrastructure and spread of malicious code at the very heart of PLCs. Such a virus attack underscores the need to strengthen measures to protect safety critical embedded systems and especially those who control critical infrastructure, industrial complexes, the intelligence networks, military networks or medical equipment.

For a long time, embedded systems have operated in relative autarky and, therefore, they were protected against most security threats. But these same facilities are now connected to corporate networks, to public clouds, and even the Internet. This led to widespread connectivity substantial gains in terms of features and ergonomics, but it makes embedded systems more vulnerable to attacks, intrusions and other hacks. At the "all-connected", that security was far from being the main concern of the designers in the past attains the rank of the fundamental characteristics of the equipment. Therefore, security mechanisms, or more precisely, cyber security, embedded systems must protect any malicious attack that might impede a successful and safe, especially when human lives are at stake these same mechanisms must ensure integrity of data transmitted or stored when they are considered sensitive.

Under these conditions, how designers can they reconcile the constraints of security with increasingly stringent requirements of a competitive market where time to market and development budgets are constantly being revised downwards? In fact, approaches that aim to guarantee embedded security level still higher can be broken into five stages covering the entire lifecycle of products from conception to maintenance to development phases, testing and deployment.

Step 1: Conduct a threat assessment of end-to-end
Improving the security of an embedded system starts with proper identification of potential threats. These threats must be evaluated by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the product life cycle, considering all upstream conditions using the same product, and taking into account the impact that the developers, manufacturers, operators , distributors, resellers and end users can have on overall system security. Here, the main difficulty is to predict the infection vectors (ie the ways in which a malicious attack can be perpetrated) and anticipate vulnerabilities (ie weaknesses or defects in materials or software exploitable by a malicious program).

Step 2: Take advantage of advanced security mechanisms already existing
A number of technologies and design methods have been developed to address the most serious threats still lurking embedded systems connected. Within this framework, developers have every incentive to move towards commercial building blocks, tested and available off the shelf (COTS) that have the ability to improve the safety of their equipment without breaking development costs. The virtualization platforms are embedded in many of these building blocks: they allow through mechanisms of partitioning to divide and isolate software in virtual execution environments.

Step 3: Choose a platform appropriate enforcement
For an embedded system, choosing a platform for trade execution is absolutely critical. The implementation of COTS software components pre-tested, validated and certified according to strict safety and functional safety can increase overall security system and reduce development costs incurred. Carefully selected based on these criteria, the support layers of hardware, hypervisors, operating systems, real time communication protocol stacks, platforms, virtual simulation, development tools can greatly developing efficient on-board equipment secure.

Step 4: Secure applications
Modern embedded systems hosting multiple applications and see their features evolve throughout the life cycle of the equipment through updates and upgrades to hardware and software. Likely, therefore, to be targets of malicious code or data theft, so applications should always be secure. This can be done using the technique known as "white lists", much less computationally intensive than those of "blacklists" and therefore better suited to the constraints of embedded systems. This mechanism allows the download and installation of the only applications whose performance is recognized as safe.

Step 5: Choosing a support covering the entire life cycle
Security threats change over time, parades too. Embedded systems must be upgraded on site, in anticipation of future security challenges. Also the integration of a comprehensive security policy in managing the lifecycle of the product turns out she criticism, not least because OEMs must address the new vulnerabilities as they arise, and if quickly as possible. It is also necessary that their suppliers of COTS building blocks are equally reactive in terms of safety.
By following these five steps, companies can actually make great strides in minimizing risk and exposure levels to security threats that affect their embedded products with high connectivity. The integration of security mechanisms in embedded systems has become a fundamental requirement that requires an investment increasingly important to all levels of an organization.

The pro license administration and network security UdA: alternating with employment in order

Forty students take part each year the license pro EASR (administration and network security) of the IUT (University Institute of Technology), University of Auvergne. Thirty of them are professional contract. Selected from some 200 applicants, they have mostly a DUT (university diploma in technology) networks and telecommunications, computer or a BTS (higher technician certificate) computing. "Candidates may be medium. In contrast, maintenance, they must show they are active search for a company, they are ripe for Change", said Florence Capallera, head of networks and telecommunications department of the IUT.

Among students or graduates, Kevin, Jean-Pierre and Elise, a testament to their employment pathways through the alternation.

Elise sent 70 unsolicited applications, and was received by a dozen companies. "Many were willing to take me, but to volunteer!" The young graduate of 25 years finally get his professional contract with the psychiatric hospital in Clermont-Ferrand, after three interviews. A helping hand anyway: the person in charge of corporate relations at the IUT demonstrates his motivation "300%" when the hospital called. "The alternation is more motivating when they sought his contract himself. We know the price." His advice: look for his company very soon. From December to her while she was in BTS management information while working as a cashier. "My candidacy had nothing to please with two years of struggling between my tank and my ES BTS. But in conversation, I could say I knew the value of education and the workplace. Someone a little more old, grown and matured by experience is a plus for the company. "

The track was much simpler for Jean-Pierre, also a graduate. His roommate, went to study in Scotland, making his final internship DUT networking and telecom installer in a local computer. Jean-Pierre, a graduate of the same DUT, replaced alternately pro license. "I also applied in other companies, including Orange, partner of the IUT. Finally, I do not regret having chosen this structure less than 10 employees. I could be very versatile unlike those who signed with Orange on very specific missions. "

Kevin, it is still a student. He transformed his own course DUT networks and telecom professionalisation contract with an SME manufacturing sensors signals. He works Limos, a computer lab Interuniversity optimization systems installed in the IUT and which has a contract with his company.


900 Mbit / s for the new Wi-Fi router D-Link

D-Link today unveiled its wireless router the fastest, the DIR-857, which reaches up to 900 MB / s. Incorporating wireless dual band.

This new D-Link router is presented as a network solution for any user who also log on and surf the internet looking for a solution capable of supporting multimedia stream HD video.

And the DIR-857 provides wireless performance of 900 MB / s (combinations of two wireless bands 2.4 / 5 GHz) for downloading and streaming high definition multimedia content.

The DIR-857 also features Gigabit Ethernet, a DLNA media server for streaming media on game consoles or media players, smart QoS for optimized Internet performance.

The router also incorporates technology "Shareport More" for a simplified distribution of storage devices or print via USB 3.0 and an application SharePort free mobile (iPhone / iPhone) to access files anytime.

The DIR-857 is also equips an SD card reader for file sharing over the network in addition to the USB port.

Finally security level, it handles WEP, WPA, WPA-PSK, and Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) for encryption of data traffic via a button.


The routing protocol most common on the net broken by students at the Technion

Dima and Alex Kirshon Gonikman of the Technion Faculty of Computer Science have successfully hacked the routing protocol OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), the most common on the internet as part of a final project study led by Dr. Gabriel Raphael. They are the recipients of the prestigious award for Excellence in Amdocs computer.

In the field of computer networks, it is customary to divide and separate multiple platforms and autonomous systems, and connect them with what are called routers. For example a router will direct the request of a French web site to Israel. A request does not pass through a single router, but is routed through paths that traverse several routers before reaching their destination. To communicate, the routers that redirect the flow of information to their peers use language commonly known routing protocol. Among the different protocols, OSPF is the most widespread on the internet.

In the latter, each router establishes adjacency relations with its immediate neighbors by sending them messages at regular intervals. Each router then forwards the list of networks it is connected by messages spread gradually to all routers in the network. The principle of the proposed attack is to use a phantom server that sends messages containing false adjacency relations to all routers. Implying that all messages passing through the network are forced to go through the ghost server. By controlling the flaws in this protocol, it is possible to prevent messages from reaching their destination or redirect information from one source to another. This would allow an attacker to carry out an attack of "man on the middle" and retrieve sensitive information or block a website.

Discovered the fault in these types of protocols allows the consortium that governs the standards of the World Wide Web immediately react by strengthening the security of routers through updates, preventing the acquisition of control of routers by pirates of the canvas.


PlugnSurf is the French Start-Up of March, Hardware category

After the presentation of a French start-up every Thursday in March, the great gods of the vote (ie the readers of Lemon-Press) spoke: Plugnsurf is sacred French start-up of March (Hardware in the category).

Therefore, the creators of Wobe have their place finalist for the final vote to be held next June to designate the Start-Up Lemon-Press in 2011.

As a reminder, PlugnSurf offers a router called the Wi-Fi/3G Wobe, small box that allows you to create a mini-WiFi network from a 3G dongle.

Pending submission of a new start-up Thursday, you can read the article on PlugnSurf or go directly to their website.

Cisco's Linksys routers provide cloud home

Cisco announced a new line of home Wi-Fi routers that have built-recognition application for managing devices connected to your home network.

Compatible with applications "on the Linksys routers allow users to manage their home networks from smartphones, tablets or Web browsers. Users can give their guests Internet access, set up parental controls and add devices to your home network using protected password software, says Cisco.

The three new Linksys routers support Cisco Connect Cloud software management home network. Connect Cloud is based on the same software Cisco Connect, which is used to configure the Linksys router in its original setting.

Routers are baptized EA4500, EA3500 and EA2700. EA4500 model is designed for large homes with many rooms and home cinema system. It provides throughput up to 900Mbps, providing streaming HD video to tablets, televisions and mobile devices. There are 4 ports Gigabit Ethernet, USB port, support for IPv6 and connect multiple devices such as storage and printers.

Model EA3500 is almost the same features, but performance is up to 750Mbps, providing services such as streaming HD video, music and multi-user games. The other model, EA 2700, no USB port, and its performance is 600Mbps. It provides not-HD media streaming and games.

Costs $ 199 EA4500, EA3500 - $ 139 and EA2700 - $ 99. Cisco Connect Cloud software will be available in June and will be a free download.

Cisco has partnered with many companies developing applications for home networking to Cisco Connect Cloud. Currently, Cisco is working with household appliances giant Whirlpool to develop applications that help people control their appliances kogatosa away from home.

Linksys E2500 - Standard and 5 GHz

Linksys E2500 is designed for large homes and offices. As provided by the manufacturer - has become unsuitable for streaming media, web browsing, and "use several applications at once." We checked how these promises are to reality.

From the lower models - E1200 and E1500, is it different service frequency of 5 GHz. Almost all the rest were unchanged. There we have so stumegabitowe four LAN ports, one WAN and nothing more. Unfortunately, no USB port, you'll find it only in the higher series models E. Although some photographs on this website may be due to different manufacturer, the device is equipped with a power switch, located on the right of the outlet. On the left you will find the WPS button, and further the already mentioned LAN and WAN ports. There are also LED indicates power on, the only addition to these integrated network ports. When it comes to looks, the whole construction is very economical, but by the aesthetic.

During the tests it turned out that the equipment is more refined than the model E1500 software and is not burdened with the problems with wireless transmission, on the contrary - is doing quite well. Connections with 802.11g cards are stable and reach a decent transfers, similar 802.11n cards in both the 2.4 and 5 GHz. It is true that in terms of speed obtained E2500 can not compete with devices equipped with Gigabit LAN ports, it is among the "hundreds" falls well. Results in 5 GHz band, also at larger distances are clearly better than in 2.4, but not for Centrino 2 In this case, are slightly lower.

At small distances for 2.4 and 5 GHz we obtained respectively 85 and 101 Mb / s At larger distances, these values ​​drop to 50 and 64 Mb / s As you can see they are not fantastic, but the basic tasks - is sufficient.

With streaming media, you should not be a problem. These measurements refer to a situation where the network operates in only one client. If you get a second, connected wirelessly, the computer then the matter is not so obvious.

While in the 2.4 GHz total transfer rate is even slightly higher than in the case of one client, while in the 5 GHz is about 25 Mb / s lower and amounts to less than 70 Mb / s (divided into two recipients). In some cases it might be insufficient.

Budget Friendly Linksys Powerline Kit offers excellent performance

An older home is usually not equipped with wired network connections. A wireless router or access point is sufficient in many cases, but sometimes shows the wifi signal is insufficient or unreliable.

Power Lines may in this case provide a solution. The network signal via the existing electricity network is running, you have to build any additional wiring. We have the Linksys PLSK400 powerline kit tested.

The consumententak Linksys networking giant Cisco develops and manufactures all kinds of networking for consumer and small business. Several networking products from this manufacturer known to us already passed in review.

In the box we find two Powerline adapters which one, the PLE400, must be connected to a router or switch. The second adapter, the PLS400, has an integrated switch that you have four wired devices can connect. Furthermore we find in the box also has a CD-ROM, a brief quick start guide and two 5e network cables.

The new Linksys routers Smart Wi-Fi

Routers interact with the next-generation software, Cisco Cloud Connect. With it you can easily connect with with your home anywhere in the world. This gives new opportunities, including remotely set the air conditioning, is connected to a home monitoring, we will be able to manage electrical energy.

- It's hard to imagine a work or entertainment without the Internet. Expect from the network reliability. We are looking for applications that flexibly adapt to our needs - is said Kornel Czerwinski, Director of Linksys by Cisco sales Polish Century - Smart Linksys Wireless Routers enable an software that provides users with a completely new solutions. It will be a breakthrough in areas such as home management, security and entertainment - he adds.

Over the next three years the number of devices in the network will grow to 15 billion.
For comparison, in 2010 there were seven bin. This is a great challenge for the routers, which will have to meet the increasingly sophisticated requirements of the users. Linksys Routers Smart Wi-Fi Series EA (EA4500, EA3500 EA2700) and will form the backbone of a media management device applications wi modern Domash. With denies it will only connect to the network cloud, efficiently send data to easily order any materials on the video task, we play the game above networks, we add a new device such as printers, and portable drives.

Connect to Cisco's popular software that allows you to manage your network settings and easy to use Linksys routers and E X series already cited will be available in June a new version, which is Cisco Cloud Connect (cloud service). Dedicated software is the EA devices. This will allow access to network resources from home anywhere in the world. All from a simple browser. Logging on to the Website, Cisco Cloud Connect users can add new devices to the network, did allow guests access to the Internet, set up parental control system. Cisco will soon introduce more applications, dedicated to specific devices operating in home networks.

Cisco partnered with dozens of leading manufacturers of equipment (including Whirlpool), has also to companies developing applications and service providers. They all see the future in home networks as a new area for innovative solutions. With our partners, we share a common vision of a simple to use, smart home, integrated in a single network.

- The next generation of home routers Smart Wi-Fi with Cisco's intelligent applications allow consumers to easily control their devices, both at home and beyond - is said Warwick Stirling, Global Head of Sustainable Development and Energy Company v. Whirlpool

Linksys series of routers EA will be available in May 2012, selected distributors, and stores the e-shop aforementioned Linksys by Cisco.

New Cisco Cloud Connect will be free. Cisco plans to release in June of the first century applications and partner solutions, home network using Cisco platforms will be available from June.